Network and WiFi

Articles about getting connected with wired or wireless internet access and VPN.

Articles (5)

Connect to SCWireless WiFi (On Campus)

Instructions for connecting a device to the cougars WIFI network while on college campus.

How To Login To The College's VPN Using Cisco AnyConnect

Once IT Services has granted you access you can easily run the Cisco AnyConnect application by following these steps.

Offsite Access for Motive Power resources such as Alldata and Mitchell1

A temporary VPN solution has been implemented to allow students to access Alldata and Mitchell1 from offsite. Faculty and students need to submit a ticket requesting VPN access for their course, after which they can follow a two-step process involving the installation and use of Cisco AnyConnect software. This workaround tunnels all internet traffic through the college’s network, addressing issues with the normal VPN. While the solution is functional, faculty are encouraged to test the process u

Setting up Cisco AnyConnect VPN on a device where it has never been installed

In order to access resources you need to use our VPN.  If you need access, contact the Service Desk at x2504 for help.

SISWeb - Not all functions work when using via VPN on a personal computer

If you have setup VPN on your personal computer and are trying to use SISWeb through the Intranet you may notice some features don't work.  This is because you have to make a configuration change in your browser.