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    Services or Offerings?
    Request a new account be created or an existing account be modified.

    Request a new email account.

    To request a new meeting room, please provide as much information as possible.

    Request to create a new file folder, modify an existing file share, or delete a file share.

    Setting up audio/video presentation equipment for special events.

    Contact the IT department for technical assistance with a problem you are having.

    Ask a general question regarding ITS related services.

    Request a job posting be added to the Sault College website (

    Request a news article be added to the Sault College website (

    Request a password reset for faculty, staff, and students' login accounts.

    Request a password reset for student login.

    Print request service.

    Request to recover lost files from previous backup systems.

    Request an increase to your staff colour print quota.

    Service to request a student name change.