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Employees of Sault College, using company computers, are not administrators of their pcs and so they are unable to install software directly, such as downloading from the Internet.  However, we have provided a tool to allow you to install college approved application directly on your computer.  This tool is call the COMPANY PORTAL.
When working on Student Portal web updates, some content is only displayed to students, enrolled via SIS, so as a result, webmasters are unable to see the content when logged in with their staff accounts.  Identity swapper will allow us to use a registered account so we can see the content as displayed to the students.
Occasionally you may run into an issue where a web-page isn't displaying the content you are expecting or your experiencing an issue with a particular website.  If the issue is limited to a small number of websites try these steps to see if the issue is resolved.  Our Student Portal at does experiences this issue for some users.
When trying to access the College Student Portal,, by using a Google search, users receive a Permission Denied message.