When working on Student Portal web updates, some content is only displayed to students, enrolled via SIS, so as a result, webmasters are unable to see the content when logged in with their staff accounts. Identity swapper will allow us to use a registered account so we can see the content as displayed to the students.
Target Audience
Solutions Specialists, Enterprise Development, Service Desk
Identity Swapper
The current version of the Student Portal was launched Monday, August 29th, https://my.saultcollege.ca.
For Service Desk, Solutions Specialists and a select few Registrar’s Office users – the Identity Swapper feature functions differently now. Note that you cannot impersonate an account that has never logged on to the Portal previously, you won’t be able to search for the user. That should be fine since impersonation should only apply to students you are helping with an active question/incident/service request.
To impersonate a user, click on the Identity Swapper tab and select Find an existing user
Type in the username and click Search, then click on the Name or Username link in the search results

On the next page, click on the Impersonate dropdown and pick the Default Profile. Note that you can also use the ‘Reset User Layout’ option here if the user has managed to mess up their Portal layout somehow (removed tabs or portlets or gotten stuck on a page with no return home).

You will then be swapped on as the selected user and see their layout and results in the Records tab.

Once you are finished, click on the Logout button in the top right corner and you will be returned to your own Portal profile.
Reset User Layout
There are 2 ways to reset a user’s layout, which may be required if the user somehow managed to remove a portlet or tab (this should be impossible as all portlets and tabs are locked) or they get stuck on a screen with no way back (happens rarely).
A user can reset their own layout using the waffle menu at the top of the page and selecting ‘Reset My Layout’ and proceeding with the confirmation steps.
Or, anyone in Service Desk can access the Identity Swapper tab, use the search to find the user, and select ‘Reset User Layout’ from the options and proceeding with the confirmation steps.