If you have forgotten your password, or find you are unable to login to Sault College systems such as email, the portal, or LMS, please do the following.
IMPORTANT! - these instructions will only work if you have already signed up for Microsoft Self-Service Password Reset.
- Go to: https://office.com
- Click Sign in button.
If you may see a generic Microsoft login, which asks for email, phone, Skype for login.
- Use you Sault College login, for students this is your [student number]@saultcollege.ca, if you are an employee use your first initital + last name @saultcollege.ca (example 123456789@saultcollege.ca or jsmith@saultcollege.ca)
- The screen should now look more familiar with Sault College branding. Click "Forgot my password"
- Fill in the characters presented in the box provided.
- Choose the contact method for verification.
- Enter the verification code that Microsoft sent to your method of verification (email, text message,etc.) and click Next