Student Technology Assistance Program


Please note: The Student Technology Assistance Program has been put on hold due to resource availability until further notice. We are constantly re-evaluating the technological needs of our students and would like to remind everyone that we provide access to multiple labs and common areas on campus for completing course work.

Information Technology Services program to help students in need of technology to be loaned to assist in their studies.  Technology is provided on a first come, first serve basis. 

To support our students with their learning objectives we are providing short-term loans of technology based on needs. The college will do its best to accommodate our students, but these devices will be treated as BYOD (bring your own device) or personal computers. As such these devices will not have any college licensed software loaded on them.


This service is available to Students. 


This service is offered at no cost.



Service ID: 2294
Fri 4/29/22 9:22 PM
Mon 1/30/23 9:24 AM