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    All students are currently enrolled in course and all full time staff member are eligible to receive 5 take home license of Ofiice 365.
    Employees of Sault College, using company computers, are not administrators of their pcs and so they are unable to install software directly, such as downloading from the Internet.  However, we have provided a tool to allow you to install college approved application directly on your computer.  This tool is call the COMPANY PORTAL.
    The College has changed to “cloud based printing”.  This will allow you to print to College printers that are available to you from “anywhere” (whether you are at the College or not).  If you are not at the College, you do not have to be on the VPN.  Please note that secure printing is not available at this time.  Printer naming conventions continue to be based on the room / location number that the printer is located in.