Accessing your college Onedrive when using Kurzweil 3000 Web version


After you have received your account for Kurzweil 3000 you may want to save files to your College OneDrive so you can access them anywhere you go.  Kurzweil also offers storage space on their cloud storage but, keep in mind that, after your access to Kurzweil has ended you will loose access to these files, however, files stored on your college OneDrive will be accessible for as long as you keep your college account active.


Access Kurzweil3000 but accessing it from or going directly to the website at

Login with your credentials.  

From the Universal Library, first select a folder under your name (private/public).

Click the OneDrive button in the top right-hand corner of the website

It will ask you to login/link your OneDrive

You should now have a list of files that you can open.  To get started a file to open.

Saving files to OneDrive via

If you have followed the above steps to link your OneDrive account, you can now also save to OneDrive.

Open a file into from any source.

Once open, select the save icon.

Save to OneDrive will be an option.


Still have questions? Request more information.


Article ID: 825
Fri 9/25/20 3:33 PM
Fri 9/25/20 3:56 PM

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Kurzweil Education is an American-based company that provides educational technology. Kurzweil Education provides literacy solutions, tools and training for those with learning differences and challenges, or people with blindness or partially sighted.