How to book a Sault College meeting room using Outlook Desktop Client


If you want to book a meeting room in the college for a meeting or event you'lll need to follow these instructions to accomplish this.

Target Audience

Staff, Students


Outlook Client

  1. Open MS Outlook
  2. Open Calendar
  3. Select a time range in your calendar that you want to book
  4. Click New Appointment
  5. Enter a Title for your request.  NOTE: Title is the subject of your booking and will on be visible to you.  The Equipment Calendar for the Car will only display your name and not this Title.
  6. In the Ribbon Bar click Scheduling Assistant
  7. Under the Attendees group click Add Attendees
  8. Click the drop down menu Under the Address Book
  9. You will now notice a category called All Rooms

  10. Click All Rooms and you will now see the list of all meeting rooms that can be booked for approved employees
  11. Select the room you want to book and click Required
  12. Click OK

  13. Back in the Scheduling Assistant menu, make sure the time you select is available.
  14. Click Send to finish the booking
  15. You will receive an email that your booking has either been Automatically Approved or Denied


How to Add the meeting room Calendar to your Outlook 

  1. Open MS Outlook
  2. Open your Calendar
  3. Click Add Calendar { under the Manage Calendars menu item }
  4. Click From Room List...

  5. Click the drop down menu Under the Address Book
  6. Select the meeting you want to view
  7. Click Rooms
  8. Click OK