X Grades in LMS - How long will students have access


At semester completion not all students are able to complete their course work, at which time faculty have the option of providing an X grade to the students.



At semester completion not all students are able to complete their course work, at which time faculty have the option of providing an X grade to the students.

X Grades in LMS

An X Grade provides the student with up to 120 additional days access to their LMS course site.  When the X Grade is updated to the actual Final Grade, the overnight process changes the student role back to student, thus, removing the additional access time.

If no X Grade is used, students have 21 days after the course ends, to view their LMS course sites. The above implementation rules were designed around Academic guidelines for X Grade and the Appeal period.


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Article ID: 402
Wed 4/22/20 8:52 AM