After setting up Sault College Email on your Mobile Device you receive an error and your email doesn't work


If after setting up Sault College Email on your Mobile Device you receive an error and your email on the device doesn't work you may have reached the maximum of 10 devices.



If after setting up Sault College Email on your Mobile Device you receive an error and your email on the device doesn't work you may have reached the maximum of 10 devices.  You should subsequently receive an email that states "You have 10 phone partnerships out of the allowed maximum 10 partnerships. Once you reach the maximum, no more partnerships may be created until you delete partnerships from your account. To do so, please log into your Outlook Web App account cell options and remove unused partnerships."

Unless you manually delete old devices, overtime, they will accumlate until the maximum of 10 is reached.  To resolve this issue please follow the below instructions.

You have 10 phone partnerships - error


  • Login to your webmail by going to
  • In the top right corner of your webbrowser click Options then See All Options...

Email Options

  • In the left pane click Phone

Email - Phone settings

  • In the right Pane you will now see a list of all the devices you have setup Sault College Email on.

Disconnect a device

  • Click to highlight a device that you now longer use. 

NOTE: check the Last Sync Time to guide you on all old device connections

  • Click the X the menu to remove this device.
  • Click Yes to complete the deletion
  • Delete all devices that are no longer in use. 

NOTE: If you remove an active device email will have to be setup on your device again.

Still have questions? Request more information.



Article ID: 359
Thu 3/5/20 4:10 PM
Thu 3/5/20 4:16 PM