If you are teaching a course that has multiple sections you can request that these courses be merged into the lowest section number. This offers you the benefit consolidating your work into one course. Ensure to enter your requests as early as possible so merges can be completed in advance of the course start date.
When making your request...
The following information is required in order to complete the course merge request. Merge requests must come from the faculty member currently instructing the course.
Course Code:
Section Number(s):
All sections will be collapsed into the lowest section number allowing you to continue developing your course in advance of the merge being completed.
Please be aware that if your request is completed after the course start date any assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. will no longer be visible. If this is the case, please ensure you have captured any data that will need to be brought forward in advance of the request being completed.
Please submit separate tickets for each Course Code that will need to be merged.
Also, note that tickets with missing information will be delayed until we receive all the required information.
IT Service Desk